Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tools That Change the Way We Think

Modern technology has done two things for the human race.  For half of us, it has made us lazy minds.  We remember what we need to, and everything else is thought of of being online as easy access information, so that we do not need to know everything.  For these people, the days of Trivial Pursuit are over, as it is extremely easy to just google something, or to go to wikipedia for it.  It is truly unfortunate that society has made the internet work as their mind while they put little effort into anything, and promptly forget what they look up.  The other half of our species uses the internet as a great tool that allows us to do many things that we either could not do, or did not have the time to do before 1995.  I, personally, have learned countless things that I could not have done without the internet.  I have learned much that I would not have been able to, watched much that I would have not been able to and read much that I have not been able to.  In the past six hours, I have researched slavic mythology and learned about Koscheli, learned about the silent film star Lilian Gish and about a Kamban folk story.  I have been able to read many things that I was not able to find readily, or that I did not want to go search for, such as The Metamorphosis and a couple other novelettes (although I prefer physical books, so I tend to read those more).  It has also helped me watch many things that would have been impossible to watch otherwise.  I have been watching foreign television, like comedy from England and Der Segund Mit Der Maus from Germany, that would never have been shown here unless they were huge like Monty Python or Doctor Who and made it to BBC America.  Also, today I watched the film Roundhay Garden Seen, which is the first video ever taken, originally 2.3 seconds, now only 1.66 seconds, and recorded at a rate of twelve frames per second.  The only surviving copy of this is in a museum, and I would have never been able to see it without the internet.  In the past six months, I have researched culture, science, math and many other aspects of the human experience from germanic culture and language to the witch of agnasi, and I would have never been able to learn about all of this in my current situation with my current time constraints without the internet.

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